Sunday, July 18, 2010

Family Vacation

We recently got back from our first real family vacation to Long Beach, WA. We had a FANTASTIC time. It was so great to have fun in a new environment and just enjoy each other.

-Our great hotel on the beach. Totally loved it - Lighthouse Oceanfront Resort.

-Watching Ethan and Eric fly their kites.

-Watching Ethan and Bailey run from the waves and tide.

-Going to the arcade...three times. Life with boys.
-Running in to my cousin Steve and his new wife. Small world.

-Going out to eat -twice! Okay, we NEVER go out to eat, so this was a big deal for us.

-Going to the North Head Lighthouse. It was beautiful.

-Going on the Tilt-A-Whirl with Ethan (or, the jellyfish thing (???) as Ethan calls it...totally worth the $6 it cost). And the Carousel too.

-Making smores on the beach and watching the kids play around. That was my very favorite part.

-Going to the community bonfire

-Driving on the beach

-Walking through all the little shops

And some lowlights (because there is no such thing as the perfect family vacation, right?)
-Hudson REFUSING to sleep in a non-familiar place. I had to take him on a drive at 2:30 in the morning!!! And then of course, he wakes up right when we get back to the hotel. I got virtually NO sleep the entire trip.

-Attack of the diarrhea

-Trying to enjoy the Cranberry Museum but Ethan was running around like a wild hog. We left after like 10 minutes due to the unsavory expressions of..everyone..else in the museum.

-My I-Pod is wrecked. Unsalvageably wrecked.

-We didn't get to go in the pool due to Ethan's arm bandage. And I didn't get to go in the hot tub because of the 9 million other people in it.

-We missed the big Sandsations event the last day because....well....we were just all ready to go home at that point.
-All four of us were in the grumpiest moods ever on our way home. Long car rides in a cramped little Corolla with a dog is just no one's idea of fun.
All in all, it was so great. I love traveling - even if it's only 5 hours from home. But, I also love coming home too.


Bonnie Kim said...

you are a blogging fool! so glad you got to get away and that you could count the good parts before the bad!

Anonymous said...

I know, I love all this blogging...I'm afraid now that we're talking about it that it will stop for awhile! Keep it coming! Love this post. Glad you had a great time, and love that you also documented the low-lights! Great pics - Michele

Anonymous said...

Beach vacations are the is evidenced by your highlights. I'm so glad you were able to get out of town and have family fun! How's the finger? Mom S.

Becky said...

Glad you guys had fun...mostly!!

Steve & Sarabeth said...

I've learned that no vacation with kids is perfect, and that's okay! Sounds like it was a great one, though!