Friday, October 29, 2010

Ethan, age 3 - 4

Ethan turned 4 years old on October 13! What a wonderful year it has been watching his character and personality develop, laughing at how incredibly funny he is, receiving his hugs and love. Being his mom is just such a joy - I don't know how I ended up with such a precious son. Here are some favorite pictures from this past year in Ethan's life.
"Hear no evil, speak no evil."

Pretending he's Spiderman

His favorite outfit for a while. Love his smile!

The king of "owies". Post treadmill-accident.

He's an animal lover. Cuddling with great-grandma Judy's kitten.

Ethan's first bike!! Yes!!

Playground fun.
It's slip and slide time.
Apparently I can't add more pictures, so this might be an installment thing. Part two coming up.