Saturday, September 27, 2008

Decoding Ethan

I have always gotten a kick out of trying to understand what young children attempt to express. You listen and listen as they repeat themselves, asking "What, honey? Say that again" and you finally have to ask mom, "What did s/he say?", to which the mom always knows exactly what their child is saying. Well, now is my turn to decode my little child. Frequently even Eric will look at me and go, "What's he want?" Here are a few of my favorite Ethan expressions:

"Shoes on. Side. Do-pees. Pee-doughs." = I want to go outside now and pick blackberries and tomatoes.

"Mommy!! Doing? Mook!" = Mommy! Get down here, pay attention to me, and fix me some milk already!

"Da-dat. Apple apple apple high." = It's time to go nigh-night to which you need to sing me "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." (apple apple apple high is up above the world so high)

"Icky Icky Eww." = I just went poop and you need to change my diaper now.

"Bye. Soon. Back." = Bye! See you soon. I'll be right back.

"Zeet. Boooook." = Sit down now, let me sit on your lap and read me a book."

"Audwee" = Depending on the context, it could be diaper creme, laundry, or airplane.
"Keek-u" = Love you or thank you
"Mahmowee" = well, duh. But also refers to any and all machinery, especially tractors
"BeeBee!!" = Bailey, get back in the house!
"Gah-goine" = popcorn
"Gogee" = cookie
"Top" = said with an earnest expression, this means stop tickling me
"I see you!" = let's play hide and seek!
"Sigh" = I'm sorry
"Why. Baa." = It's bath time!
"Beat bean" or "tweet tween" = sleeping

There are so many more, and I sure get a kick out of his little expressions.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're writing those down...I wish I remembered more of what you guys used to come up with!
Give the little guy a squeeze from his Grannyb!

Vicki said...

Mel, This is so cute to read. You'll be so glad you wrote it down! I was just reading last night some things that Ben said (just six months ago) and had already forgotten them. The stages go so fast and then it's all a blur and you forget these precious little first words. What a sweety you have! :)

Bonnie Kim said...

You forgot my favorite one: Bah-ee Meaning: Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

Hi to read updates from you. Ethan is adorable! Aren't 2 year olds just so much fun? Even when we're "decoding" them?