Saturday, September 11, 2010


Somewhere along the line, Ethan decided that I needed to have a rock collection. He randomly brings me rocks every once in a while, always excited to add to the array. So yesterday I was unloading his backpack from preschool and found a handful of those large gravel rock pieces. I asked him why he had rocks in his backpack. Now picture lots of Ethan facial animation and hand gestures:

"Mama, I got you rocks for your rock collection! I sneaked out and picked up a bunch of rocks and I crunked them in my pockets and before anyone could see I ran back and I sneaked them in my pumpack for you. Miss Yinda didn't even see me! Are you happy?"

By the way, "crunk" = stuffed, "pumpack" = backpack, and "Yinda" = Linda

Of course I burst out laughing. Alarms: a. he sneaked out of the room, b. he was being sneaky in general. But the fact that he went on such a stealth mission just to please his mama is pretty darn cute. Got to admit.


Steve & Sarabeth said...

Love it!

Schwartz said...

I love it, too! Ada has a thing for rocks. When we were in Tucson she found 3 small painted rocks - red, blue and yellow. I later found them at work when I was digging through my purse and there they were, with all of the change. Totally melted me!

BTW - love "crunking". So cute!!!

Bonnie Kim said...

I can totally picture him saying all of it. So cute!

Anonymous said...

Can I say he must take after his Great Grandma Riley and his Grandma Schwartz? I pick up interesting rocks almost everywhere I go. I have lots of B'ham rocks, small Tennessee rocks, Tucson rocks, and some fossil rocks that I got from my mom's house after she passed away. So cute that he was so excited to get them for you! Mom